Investor's Education Program

Investors Education Program is an important part of Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission. It is conducted by the Financial Literacy Department of the Commission to create awareness of investors about investment analysis, financial planning, risks and returns associated with capital market and also to protect them through extending their knowledge and consciousness.

The Commission organizes investors education program for the capital market investors with a view to educate them on capital  market regulatory framework, investor’s rights & responsibilities, investment risks and rewards, analysis associated with the investment and portfolio management. The following topics are discussed in the said program:

  • Protection of Investors under the securities laws;
  • Primary concept of Investment Education and Financial Planning;
  • Analysis of Prospectus and Investments in the Primary Market (IPO);
  • Investment Planning and Investing in Secondary Market;
  • Securities Analysis and Portfolio Management;


The Commission organizes such program at every working day subject to availability of registrants. Notices are published from time to time in the newspapers inviting interested persons for registration to participate in the program. Registration for enrolment in investors’ education program is carried out at the front desk of the Securities Commission Bhaban. Interested persons may register at the web link

 The program is fully free of cost.


For further information please contact:

Mr. Mohammad Zahirul Haque

Joint Director(General)

Financial Literacy Department

Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission

E-6/C, Agargaon, Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Administrative Area

Dhaka, Bangladesh

Phone: 88-02-44826531-2

Lecture sheets of Investor's Education Program are linked below:-