- Forgery of shares or securities or sale or purchase of, or transaction in. forged shares or securities is a heinous, criminal offence. It causes serious damage or loss to the innocent investors and creates crisis in the capital market.
- Under section 467 of the Penal Code, the maximum punishment for a person involved in such offences is imprisonment for life.
- Under section 471 of the Penal Code whoever fraudulently or dishonestly uses as genuine any share or security which he knows or has reasons to believe to be forged shall be punishable in the same manner as if he fad forged such share or security.
- It is a solemn duty of every conscious citizen of the country to refrain from duplication or forgery of shares or securities or sale or purchase of, or transaction in, forged shares or securities, and to inform about persons involved in such heinous activities.
- Please supply to the following address any information on forged or false shares or securities.
Bangladesh Securities and Exchange Commission
Securities Commission Bhaban
E-6/C, Agargaon
Sher-e-Bangla Nagar Administrative Area
Dhaka-1207, Bangladesh.
Fax: 880-2-44826506
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